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YES, I want to submit an article to New York History Review!
Please read this whole page before submitting. Thanks.





By submitting an article to the New York History Review you agree

to ALL the following terms:



Seeking: Original articles about New York State local history, any aspect.

Length: As long as it needs to be - we encourage articles of any length.

Bibliography/Footnotes: If you have a bibliography or footnotes, please use The Chicago Manual of Style.

SPECIFICATIONS FOR WRITERS: submit articles INCLUDING footnotes or endnotes as Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, Text Document via email.  All articles should include a brief bio of the author (no more than 50 words), contact information is mandatory.


If you have images: You must own the photo(s), or please let us know if they are public domain. Do not include images that have been scanned or taken from another source(s) other than you. Color or black and white images acceptable as digital files. Attached images should be sent via email in JPEG or PDF format - 300 dpi if possible. Include photo credits with article. Accuracy is vital.Tables may be substituted for images if appropriate. Please double-check your facts.

Format: Please attach your article in the form above. No SNAIL MAIL.

Make sure your facts are correct before you push the SEND button.


Submission Terms


New York History Review licensors have the free rights to quote, publish, reproduce, disclose, distribute and otherwise use or display the content to others. and its parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, shareholders, predecessors, successors in interest, employees, agents and New York History Review and its parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, shareholders, predecessors, successors in interest, employees, agents and licensors are free to use any ideas, concepts, know-how, or techniques contained in such articles for any purpose including but not limited to, developing, manufacturing, and marketing the magazine using or incorporating such information submitted. All views expressed in the articles are the views of the individual author, New York History Review does not take responsibility for the accuracy of the content and the views expressed by the author. Any person or group submitting content to this website agrees to defend, indemnify and hold New York History Review and its parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, shareholders, predecessors, successors in interest, employees, agents, and licensors harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, liabilities, and expenses (including attorneys' fees) related to or arising out of such submitted content, including without limitation claims made by third parties related to any false advertising claims, liability claims for products or services sold by the person or corporation submitting such content, claims for patent, copyright or trademark infringement, claims due to disruption or malfunction of services provided (pertaining to the submitted content), even if such content is reviewed by New York History Review prior to publishing on the website. Sorry, we are not in a position to pay for articles.

Accuracy is vital. Please double-check.

If accepted for publication, the content and copyright (including articles and photos) submitted to the NYHR shall remain the property of the writer. New York History Review reserves the right to reject articles without explanation. New York History Review Only original articles will be considered, and we reserve the right to edit, re-write, or republish all articles submitted in any medium with proper credit to the author. 

New York History Review greatly appreciates your willingness to contribute an article to our magazine. Your donation of time and effort reflects both on your knowledge of the field and passion for its growth.



New York History Review

612 William Street, Suite B
Elmira, New York 14901

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